About me

My photo with a mic while speaking at UX Garage in Amsterdam
Speaking at UX Garage Amsterdam in 2018

If we have not met at a bookstore or walking around in nature somewhere, or at one of my workshops -

Hello! I am Beant.

I am a certified embodiment life and career coach, Amazon NL bestselling author of A Delicious Summer, and an artist. My work is to move from our heads, into our hearts & bodies and uncover profound insights that have been with us all along.

I have found the journey to find and fulfill my purpose to be one of the most worthy journeys to make, and working with my body - being present with both moments of discomfort and pleasure has created great shifts for me.

And now I enable the same for others as a coach - help remove blocks to achieving your personal and professional goals, and desires and career transitions by working with your body.

If you have been asking the big questions in your life or feel stuck, and want to move towards your desires and goals, find your life purpose, or transition into a new career, I would be honored to hold some space and dive into what you want and what's holding you back and how we could work together.

These sessions are often very illuminating and valuable.You can book a session here: https://calendly.com/beant-ux/discovery-call

Thank you for being here. You can get my weekly email here and contact me at beant@beantdhillon.com.