Events & Workshops

Events & Workshops
Speaking at Eindhoven University of Technology on How to design and heart-aligned career and life (June 2024). Photo by Sophie Boeijen and the slide image by Jessica Felicio on Unsplash.

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Past Events & Workshops

  • Jun 2024
    • Jun 26: Workshop @ Google - Coming home to the body, processing stress, & liberating your innate creative potential
    • Jun 14: Talk at TU/e. How to design a heart-aligned life & career
  • November 2023
    • Nov 24 & 25: Art Exhibition & Book Launch of my Amazon NL #1 bestseller A Delicious Summer (more details here).
  • October 2023
    • Oct 24: Poetry Reading at Dutch Design Week 2023 (more details here)
    • Oct 16: Unlock your innate creative potential - Embodied Drawing Workshop - ONLINE event (more details here)
    • October 13: Talk on My story of life and business as an immigrant at Start Her Up, an event for women entrepreneurs by International Creative Women Eindhoven.
  • 2022
    • Workshop – Level up your Listening skills at Mendix, Netherlands
    • Workshop – Creativity and Failure, Mendix International
    • Workshop – Unleash the power & fun of creative thinking in UXR at Rosenfeld Media Conference, US.
  • 2021
    • Workshop – Unleash the power & fun of creative thinking, GoFore, Finland
    • Workshop – Creativity and Failure at UXinsight festival, Netherlands
    • Talk – Creativity and Failure at ING Bank Meetup, Netherlands
    • Workshop – Unleash the power & fun of creative thinking in UXinsight festival, Netherlands
    • Workshop – Level up your listening skills at UX Copenhagen, Denmark
    • Workshop - Level up your listening skills at ResearchOps Berlin, Germany
    • Workshop - Level up your listening skills at UX Oxford, UK