Unlock your innate creative potential - workshop on 16th October

Unlock your innate creative potential - workshop on 16th October
An embodied drawing

Next week Monday (16th October)  I am hosting an online hands-on workshop on Introduction to Embodied Drawing - Connecting with and unlocking the innate creative potential within your body. 

After the workshop, you will be able to

👂 listen to & connect with your body.
🔥 work with your body's innate wisdom to unblock your (creative) flow in life, &
🖼️as a bonus, create an abstract drawing with ease! 🎉

This drawing is an example of an embodied drawing.

The workshop will last 1 hour and this first edition is priced at 40 euros. If you are interested, email me at beant@altuxr.com and I will send you more details. If you are interested but can't join on Monday, then too let me know, for future session planning.

Now on to today's thoughts.

 The inner and outer noise

As I write this, a big crane is biting into the road in front of our house and depositing big chunks of earth on the other side. Indoors, the kitchen ventilator is whirring and the multi-cooker is letting off steam.

Like all the noise around me, there is noise within me too. A constant alarm is on in my head. I have this feeling of running behind like I should be doing something that I am not. Or be somewhere I am not. Regardless of the period cramps and low energy, this alarm has been relentless.

And it is on such days that I am grateful for all the investment in healing and growth in life. Because even through all the noise, I can find moments to be present within my body, to reach out and share with my support network, and to experience moments of grace and gratitude. 

The gifts of growth and healing


Here are some things I have learned on my journey, I am sharing this in case you know or wonder if you need growth and healing but have been putting it off. 


  • Mental health comes first - if our head is okay, most problems can be solved or accepted well. And counterintuitively, being connected to the body is essential to good mental health, especially in today's digital world.


  • Feeling connected to our body is a skill that can be learned. For example, I am learning by following an extensive embodiment training certification. And supporting it further with regular yin yoga and Feldenkrais classes.


  • Awareness is the first step in healing and growth, and then comes acceptance and action. Being aware of our behaviors and/or being able to articulate feelings without making them others' responsibility is a great step towards growth.


  • Having people to reach out to in times of distress is essential. People who will listen without judgment and share their experiences of strength and hope. Attending support group meetings and therapy can be of great help here.


  • Being grateful for concrete things in our daily life helps us experience the beauty of life even on days of physical or mental pain.


And so, slowly we learn to hold contrasts within ourselves - both experiencing gratitude and fullness of life and sadness or pain at the same time, without judgment.


P.S. Email me by Friday (13th October) at beant@altuxr.com in case you want to attend Monday's workshop.

Till later!

Best wishes



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