How the frenzy of autumn teaches me acceptance

How the frenzy of autumn teaches me acceptance

My mind is all a-stir today, it feels like I need to do a lot, and time is running out. A friend tells me that autumn is often a frantic time for animals and plants because everyone is busy collecting food and building reserves for the winter before it starts to get dark and cold. And humans feel this frenzy too.

I would like to offer you further wisdom and wrap it up in a neat bow - which is my preferred way of dealing with ideas and concepts :D, but today I am just going to leave it as is. Accepting that I am failing to put together a coherent idea.

Because some days are like that - I guess that's the lesson - accepting what is before us.

What do you find difficult to accept?

Ways we can work together

  • Book me for interactive team workshops to Learn to draw, Level up your Listening Skills, Creative thinking, Failure & learning, and more. Email me at for inquiries.
  • Follow the Creative User Research course or the Failure Forum course with me. I am transitioning to a new platform, so reach out in case of course inquiries.
  • Join the free weekly Thankful Drawing Community where we draw for mindfulness, fun, creativity, and gratitude (paused for now).

Thank you and till later!
