How boundaries and the span of our control help us experience abundance in life

Flowers in a flowy field of water and the sky
Flowers in a flowy field of water and the sky

After the frenzy of the past weeks, I am finally starting to settle into the end of the year. And this will be the last newsletter for this year. Thank you so much for reading, it has been a joy.

Also, a note: I am transitioning the courses to a new platform and the course links may not work.

Now on to today's topic.

Looking back at my intentions for 2022

Time may not be linear, and calendars may be made-up concepts, but it's nice to use milestones for reflection and setting intentions.

In Jan 2022, I set three words as my guiding light for this year: Serenity, Surrender, and Abundance.

Throughout the year, I followed practices that helped me walk the path of these words. It was challenging sometimes and joyful at others, but always took me forward.

One of the main concepts that helped me here is understanding the limits of my span of control.

Boundaries and span of control

Most of us think of boundaries as keeping others out of our business. For me what was more powerful was understanding the limits of my own span of control and staying out of others' boundaries.

I observed that often my distress came from trying to influence things beyond my span of control and from trespassing on others' boundaries. For example, I could control the process of how I work or live, but not what outcomes I receive or how someone reacts. This is the hardest to learn for things that are close to my heart.

But wherever I could acknowledge the limits of my control and surrender to life, I felt serene. This serenity cleared space in my mind, and I could notice the abundance I am blessed with.

Instead of feeling stressed or like I was stuck or a victim or failing, I could see that I had multiple choices in most situations.

That was one of my many mini-reflections, if you want to do your own reflections and like using templates, here's my email from January this year which has links and an idea on reflection frameworks.

I wish you a beautiful transition into the next made-up time chunk :D,

Thank you and till next year,
