How do we build a heart-aligned career and life?

How do we build a heart-aligned career and life?
Speaking at Eindhoven University of Technology on How to design and heart-aligned career and life (June 2024). Photo by Sophie Boeijen

Enable yourself to fulfill your big and small dreams

Last year, I was talking with someone about things we dream about doing. Here's how the conversation went:

Friend: " I would like to have a shop where I bake and sell tiny cakes."
Me: That sounds really cool and beautiful.
Friend: "But of course, I know nothing about running a business, so it wouldn't work anyways."
Me: "Woah!Woah! Woah...that's too fast... sometimes there's a whole lifetime between baking one tiny cake and failing at business. Have you ever baked tiny cakes? Like in a workshop or so? Or for a celebration?"
Friend: No.

Have you ever done this? Dismissed something joyful you'd like to do based on a thought exercise? Because you think it's not possible, it will not earn enough money, it is silly ...

I did this for years - specifically around writing a book. My childhood dream was to become a bestselling (novel) writer. For years, I did nothing about it because I felt I wasn't good enough and I didn't know how to write a novel anyways - this without even having written much or taken any classes on novel writing!

Then around 6-7 years ago, I finally started taking some writing classes. I started writing articles on LinkedIn and then Medium. I also joining a local writing community. Around 4 years ago, I started a weekly newsletter which I write till today. And last year, I published A Delicious Summer, an illustrated book of poetry, which ended up becoming a #1 bestseller in Amazon NL nature poetry.

Releasing my first book was such a heart-warming and joyful experience. It made a part of me feel complete and alive. And I felt - "if this is possible, what else might be possible in life?"

When we fulfill a dream, however big or small, our whole being rejoices and wonders "What else might be possible?" Dreams beget more dreams.

Feel – Do – Reflect – Resolve/Grow– Feel...

So if you have dreams that you'd like, start where you are. Pick any one them intuitively and work on it as a small project.

Instead of thinking about THE REST OF YOUR LIFE – do smaller projects one after the other.

Ed Catmull, ex-CEO & co-founder of Pixar, says that we grow by the process of doing & making, even if the making is a mistake or not the “final product”, we learn and get closer to success by making, getting feedback and updating, not by thought exercises.

We grow by doing things, reflecting, getting feedback, and moving forward, and not just through thought exercises.

For example, if you want to open a café , try having a stall at a weekend market or a pop-up café’ at a friend’s celebration first. See how you like it - what you like, what you'd like to be different and if/how you want to take the next step. Sometimes fulfilling our dream as a small project feels complete and satisfying, and we don't need any follow-up. This is super valuable and empowering too.

In conclusion,

Building a career or life aligned with our heart is the most worthwhile journey we can make. Don't try to minimize it, instead nurture that inner flame with gentleness and love.

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