Three card decks I like for inspiration, relationship conversations, and reflection

A hand holding 6 cards fanned out.The top card says, " My favorite story to tell ..."
Cards can be a great way to introspect, socialize, and get inspired. Photo source:

The hydrangeas in the garden have turned from a blinding white to green with red highlights and there's a slight chill in the air. It's like I blinked and summer turned to fall.

Talking about shifts, card decks are a popular tool/format to move conversations, thoughts, self awareness, and ideas in new directions . They can be used for multiple purposes, e.g., playing games, inspiration, divination (e.g., tarot, oracle cards), and for introspection or reflection.

I want to talk about three card decks that I use pretty often by myself or with friends/family. I was introduced to all of them through friends and family.

The Wild Unknown Pocket Archetypes Deck

by Kim Krans

A photo of 4 cards from the wild unknown archetypes deck - the king, the father, the vision, the castle
Some cards from the the Wild Unknown Pocket Archetypes Deck and the guidebook. Source:

I found this card deck at a friend's place this summer and really liked it. This deck uses the concept of archetypes. Carl Jung, a psychologist, worked a lot with the archetypes concept.

Kim Krans defines archetypes as,

The ancient, universal symbols that have endured across time and cultures and reside deep in our shared psyche.

There are countless archetypes and across cultures, humans have an image of the archetype and associate it with certain characteristics. Some examples are - the mother, the father, the queen, etc.

I use these cards for self-exploration and introspection or journaling and also just to meditate on the different concepts presented in the cards.The cards looks gorgeous with beautiful art and a circular format.

The guidebook suggests several card layouts for different purposes. I got the pocket deck version but there's also a full size version - where the art looks even more beautiful.

Where shall we begin?

by Esther Perel

Two hands holding various cards. One card says - I would love to show 'blank space' who I have become
Photo of the Where Should We Begin card deck. Source:

My partner and I use often this card deck on our dates or with friends and family. As the website says, "It is a set of 200 story cards to spark deep conversations, connection, and play."

The cards have questions on them and you pick a card with a question that you would like the other person to answer. If there are more players, then the "answerer" gets multiple cards (one from each player) and the "answerer" can choose which question they answer.

I have seen several such decks but this one is my favorite because somehow the way the questions phrased makes them very interesting to ask and respond to, and it is a great way to get to know friends/families better.

There are also some variations on the basic version of the game where players can upvote a question, etc.

Spiritual AF Deck

by Roxan McDonald

A few cards from the Spiritual AF deck, e.g., The universe is your sugar daddy.
Photo of the Spiritual AF card deck. Source:

Finally, there's the hilarious, wise and foul mouthed deck - Spiritual AF.

They are great for inspiration where you can draw a card for the day/week/month, and mount it on your working desk or the dining table.

The cards in this deck makes me laugh out loud. I love the irreverent style which shows that spirituality and growth comes in all flavors.

That was it from my side. Do you use any card decks or have any favorites?

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