Why I chose to become an embodiment life and career coach?

Why I chose to become an embodiment life and career coach?
Speaking at a creative event the Student Hotel (2023)

The short answer

As I type this, the sun is setting, there's a slow song playing in the background and I am feeling the tiredness that comes with warm days when you have a low blood pressure like me. I am simultaneously feeling a pleasant slowness as well an impatience to move fast within my body.

Talking about the body, I am an embodiment life and career coach, which means that using somatic tools, I help people to move from their head into their body, and help them uncover profound answers to life and career challenges that they carry within themselves. You might ask, 'why embodiment coaching?' Here's the short answer:

Having undergone different types of coaching over the years, I found embodiment coaching to be the most effective and life changing. And I wanted to enable the same experience for others, so I became an embodiment coach.

The longer answer

Here is a slightly long answer on why I coach using the embodiment approach:

  • An embodiment coaching session brings together everything that I have found effective for building a beautiful life and career, and to share this with my clients. During an embodied coaching session, we
    • Use our entire being - instead of just our brain, to get unstuck and grow and move towards our goals and desires,
    • Are mindful, present, and grounded in the body and the inner felt sensations, and build an intimate relationship our inner world,
    • Are sensitive and compassionate to our lived experience, and welcome all parts of ourselves,
    • Walk a path guided by our inner compass and heart instead of arbitrary external standards.
The present moment, the present moment in the body, is the door to a beautiful and self-actualized life and career. And the more often we step through this door, the further we can go in our lives.
  • The foundation of embodiment coaching is that my clients are sovereign beings and they carry answers within. My job is to walk with them on this profound journey within and help them uncover their truths and answers to life and career challenges using various coaching tools.
  • We live in a time where speed and efficiency is emphasized. In contrast, embodiment slows us down and helps us uncover and release hidden blocks, and see the essential truths that move us forward in life and careers.

The most solid hack ever

In this age of hacks and quick fixes, here's a truth I keep discovering and learning time and again - the present moment, the present moment in the body, is the door to a beautiful and self-actualized life and career. And the more often we step through this door, the further we can go in our lives.

If you would like to learn more on if embodiment coaching can help you, schedule a brief call with me here: https://calendly.com/beant-ux/discovery-call.

Thank you!