What does resilience feel like for you?

Purple flowers in snow
The softness & resilience of crocuses blossoming in snow. Photo by Kiwihug on UnsplashPhoto.

It was a chilly spring day. I was walking in the park with my husband and we stopped to admire the gorgeous crocuses.

I told him they look so delicate and tender. And he said, "They spent the whole night in frost, a temperature lower than 5 degrees Celsius, and yet they are blooming. You and I couldn't do that. They are stronger than they look."

And this has stayed with me - this concept of softness and resilience.

For me resilience has meant learning that discomfort is okay, it won't kill me - whether that's the discomfort of rejection, heartbreak, failure, a difficult conversation or just a bloated stomach. And instead of avoiding it and stiffening up, I should just soften, let myself feel this discomfort and let it pass through me.

For some things this principle was easy to practice. For other things it was harder and I would get stuck or overwhelmed when I would try to lean into the discomfort. In these cases I learned to ask for help, instead of playing the lone warrior 😃.

And this is what my resilience is made up of - a) knowing that discomfort is okay and all sensations are temporary b) if I take the time to feel the discomfort, it passes through c) I can ask for help when I get stuck.

What is your resilience made up of?

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